
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Tanzania: Finland Supports Tanzania Tourism Spin-Off Bid

Mwanga — Finland has offered the people of Mwanga, near Moshi town in northern Tanzania, a chance to spin-off some earnings from the lucrative tourism industry.
The area is close to Tanzania's major attractions, including Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak. Park.
The government is supporting efforts to get communities more involved by encouraging handicrafts and other related cottage industries.
An initiative by Tanzania Environmental and Tourism Educational Organization (TETEO) was officially launched as a nature-based tourism networking CBO in Mwanga.
It has been endorsed by the Tanzania Tourism Board (TTB). Geofrey Tengeneza, an official from TTB commended the initiative involving the public and local government as well as the private sector in the district.
Embassy of Finland has also been supporting a project called 'Establishing and promoting Community Based Nature Tourism for Community Better Life' in Mwanga District.

Mrs. Sinikka Antila, the Finnish Ambassador to Tanzania said recently, "I am humbled and honoured to be part of this prestigious event, I am glad that all of us are celebrating the success story of the Mwanga community based nature tourism."
TETEO which received a donation of 50,000 eur0 from the Finland Embassy in Dar es Salaam
She appreciated the TETEO effort as part of the commendable initiatives designed to support tourism growth in Mwanga district.
In particular, these moves are reining in more women to take part in income generating activities.
During the launch visitors were taken through demonstrations of local pot-making using a simple hand operated machine. There were also displays of weaving.
As part of the day's business, the the Ambassador and her entourage took a short tour to view Lake Jipe.
They were briefed on plans to open it for beach tourism visitors in the near future.
The TETEO Executive Director, Ally Makiady said this latest initiative has the potential of offer opportunities for the locals to improve their livelihood through tourism.
TETEO promotes sustainable community-based nature and other forms of tourism that provide healthy interaction opportunities for tourists and locals and increase better understanding and benefit on socio-economic and improved environment and cultures.
In addition, it encourages local communities to engage in sustainable economical and environmental friendly activities like beekeeping, poultry farming, and Cage fishing, home based gardening, charcoal briquette production, among others.
Mwanga district, which is close to Moshi town, the administrative town of Kilimanjaro region and famous for tourists sites, both natural and cultural, has for years not been explored it's tourism potential.
For this reason, the district has remained unknown for many tourists who visit Moshi and those who transit the highway to Same, Lushoto or Tanga.
"Destination Mwanga is intended to help locals' businesses to thrive in a competitive tourism environment by offering a wide choice for visitors, nature based and historic tourism sites for viewing," Makiady said.
Visitors were also shown different view spots and the stunning geographical location of villages in lowland and hillside areas.

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